Regular price $20.80 Save $-20.80Local Hawaiian Pidgin English Definitions
NO CAN - Outlook not so good.
SHOOTS - In agreement.
YOU GET 'UM - Prospect looks good.
BUM TRIP - Don't count on it.
FO'REALS - You may rely on it.
DAS RIGHT - Without a doubt.
CAN - Outlook is good.
TRY WAIT - Better not tell you now.
NAH NAH NAH - No, no, no.
GET CHANCE - There's a likelihood.
lF CAN, CAN - So shall it be.
NO CAN SAY - Can't predict now.
FO'SURE - Yes, denfinitely.
ASK BUMBAI - Ask again later.
GARANS BALLBARANS - Guaranteed yes.
NEVAH - Never going to happen.
HANA HOU - Ask one more time.
YOU KNOW DAT - Yes, that is the case.
NO WAYZ - Very doubtful.
RAJAH DAT - Without a doubt.